Sugam Hospital in No. 107 A, Grand Southern Trunk Rd, Sunnambu Colony, Chromepet, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600044
Sugam Hospital

No. 107 A, Grand Southern Trunk Rd, Sunnambu Colony, Chromepet, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600044

Listing by : Sugam Hospital Total 1 Listings
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Sugam Hospital

Chennai , India

Sugam hospital has a ultra modernized operation theatre complex with latest technology. It can handle major surgeries in all specialties including renal transplants. Sugam Hospital is the only hospital in North Chennai approved for renal transplantation and we have been doing renal transplants successfully. The laminar flow air conditioning system and HEPA filter in the theatre enhances filtration level and maintain positive pressure thereby increasing sterility.

  • Now open
  • Good 2 Reviews 4.0

Sugam Hospital

No. 107 A, Grand Southern Trunk Rd, Sunnambu Colony, Chromepet, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600044