Cafe adda in Solapur Rd, opp. IDBI Bank, Banjara Nagar South, Banjara Nagar, Vijayapura, Karnataka 586103
Cafe adda

Solapur Rd, opp. IDBI Bank, Banjara Nagar South, Banjara Nagar, Vijayapura, Karnataka 586103

Listing by : Cafe adda Total 1 Listings
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Cafe adda

Vijayapura, India

Cafe Adda is a theme based coffee shop at Vijayapura. “ADDA” is one of the most common lingoes used by students across the country, to mean a popular hangout place. The café’s menu, ambience and every other detail is carefully designed to be an “ADDA” for the students of Vijayapura, but aspiring to have a trendy up-beat lifestyle.

  • Closed
  • Good 2 Reviews 4.5

Cafe adda

Solapur Rd, opp. IDBI Bank, Banjara Nagar South, Banjara Nagar, Vijayapura, Karnataka 586103